The Sacred Life

The Beauty and Mystery of The Way of the Heart

I walk in beauty above me
I walk in beauty below me
I walk in beauty before me
I walk in beauty behind me
Nothing will hinder me
I will be happy forever

Make your life a Living Ceremony

This 7-week holistic program encompasses different aspects of Living A Sacred Life, guided by oral transmission as well as through song, ritual, prayer and simple daily practices. I will teach and share shamanic wisdom which inspires beauty and connection. It is designed for all who wish to expand the Understanding of Your True Nature and to truly live and thrive in life and share from this place. The practices and rituals are simple. They will show us how we can be connected to the Sacredness of Life in Every Moment, so that our very lives become a ceremony.

Medicine woman, mother, musician, shamanic healer & ceremonial leader

Above all labels, Samart is a seeker of truth and absolute liberation; to know herself only as a manifestation of Pure Love. She has been walking the path of the Sacred Medicines for almost 30 years and has been facilitating ceremonies and holistically guiding people on their journey to Wholeness for over 15 years.

Sit at the altar of your life

Most people in Western culture haven’t been taught how to be in touch with the most essential elements of our existence. There is a disconnect that creates a sense of separateness. How do we commune with Nature as a living Spirit and feel ourselves to be part of the great web of life? This program offers clear and concise guidance on how to do this.

I will teach and share shamanic wisdom which inspires us to sit at the altar of our life. We will bring our Presence to the Divine Natural Forces, in the NOW; in order to come out of the mind and into the body, allowing the Heart to lead the Way.

This course is open to anyone who wishes to discover, develop and express their empowered self and the beauty that lies in surrendering to the Great Spirit of Life, becoming an instrument of Divine Presence. We will activate the power of the sovereign being, and listen deeply to the voice of our own connection to Source.

Together we will return to the bare essentials of life; of our health and vitality. We will explore very simple ways to feel the belonging of ourselves on planet Earth and how to communicate with all of existence. You will receive inspiration through the guidance of ancient teachings, traditions and songs to support these times of transition into a New Earth. It may include a process of stripping away of all that is not in alignment with the frequency that is our true essence.

Purity is who we are in our Natural State. The Fire, the Water, the Air, the Earth in its original form, is pure. Over the course of this 7 week journey, we deepen this understanding and open a space of curious inquiry to observe what is supporting our growth and what is not. It will offer foundational guidance to effect change where necessary, giving tasks, rituals and inquiries to support a purification process on a spiritual, emotional, mental and physical level. The connections with the elemental forces of life create an alchemy which in turn inspires soothing and deep contemplation and initiates positive change.

Feel more present and connected

A 7-week online program designed to support you to:

  • Know and love yourself as a Divine Being, connected always to Source

  • Create your inner and outer life and home as your Altar for Sacred Living

  • Clean up your life and put all aspects in order

  • ReSet, ReNew and ReFresh

  • Come into Presence

  • Honour the Origins of Life

  • Feel Part of Nature

  • Awaken to the Beauty

  • Align and Purify

  • Live with purpose

  • Rest and calm the nervous system

  • Express yourself to The Universe

  • Explore Shamanic teachings and traditions

  • Integrate Ceremony into everyday life

  • Connect to your Intuition

  • Open to the medicine of your voice

Program Structure

Your initiation is conducted over 7 x Zoom calls

  • 4 x Sunday 10 am - 12 pm

  • 3 x Wednesday 6 pm - 7 pm


Sunday Morning calls:

  • 11 Feb FIRE

  • 25 Feb EARTH

  • 10 Mar AIR

  • 24 Mar WATER


Wednesday Evening calls:

  • 21 Feb

  • 6 Mar

  • 20 Mar

Each Sunday call initiates us into a cycle of an Elemental Spirit, activating different aspects of ourselves and inspiring an opening to the Mystery.

Traditional songs will be taught, along with medicine drum and rattle instruction (for those who have an interest in learning)

Each cycle will contain 4 rituals to complete and 3 tasks which we will then discuss on our Wednesday evening meetings.

Program Inclusions

You will receive:

  • Live Zoom sessions with replays

  • Shamanic Teachings

  • Daily Practices

  • Personal ceremonies and rituals

  • Playlist, lyrics and teachings to 12 Traditional Songs

  • Tasks to clarify your inner and outer space

  • Support and guidance for structure and routine, fitness and health

  • Online community on Signal

Option for Private Mentoring

You will receive the group program plus:

  • 3 x private one-on-one Zoom sessions

  • Personalised instruction

  • Access to additional private music playlists

  • Inspiring links, podcasts and books

  • A gift of tobacco, cedar, sage and copal to create your own personal medicine bundle for offerings

Do you wish for?

"Working with Samart has transformed my life, my romantic and family relationships and the lives of those who I work with, in the most profound of ways. So much of who I am, what I do and what I have achieved personally, spiritually and professionally has been thanks to the deep healing and wisdom I have gained from my time working with Samart."


Work with Samart